发明名称 COFDM demodulator with an optimal FFT analysis window positioning
摘要 The invention relates to a method for the COFDM demodulation of a signal received from a transmission channel. The inventive method includes performing the fast Fourier transform of the signal received in a window corresponding to a symbol, each symbol being associated with a guard time reproducing one part of the symbol; supplying a set of estimated values for the module impulse response; determining coefficients, each coefficient being obtained from the product of the aforementioned set and a filtering function (FE) for a determined relative position of the filtering function in relation to the set; determining the maximum coefficient and the corresponding relative position; and positioning the window as a function of the relative position, the filtering function including a central part (LMAX) which has a constant amplitude and a duration equal to the duration of the guard time and which is surrounded by non-zero decreasing edges.
申请公布号 US7680195(B2) 申请公布日期 2010.03.16
申请号 US20050594664 申请日期 2005.03.30
分类号 H04L27/28;H04B1/10;H04L25/02;H04L27/26 主分类号 H04L27/28
代理机构 代理人