摘要 A rotary pump, heat exchanger or engine comprises discrete gas filled cells assembled round, and open to, a rotor. The cells are separated by material that is in close proximity to the rotor so as to provide a reasonable degree of sealing between each cell. The rotor is provided with surface ports connected to internal ducts. The ports and ducts enable selected cells to be in communication with each other, according to the position of the rotor as it turns. Heat is continuously added to the gas in the cells. Once per rotor revolution each cell is exposed to a rotor port, allowing gas that has been pressurized by absorbing heat during one rotor revolution to suddenly exit a first cell and enter a rotor duct. The sudden exit of gas leaves a rarefaction in the first cell, which is immediately sealed by rotation of the rotor. The gas moves through a rotor duct and enters a previously rarefied second cell. The inertia of the gas causes the second cell to be overfilled. Rotation of the rotor seals the overfilled cell trapping the gas. By turning the flow of gas inside the rotor work is added to the rotor. Alternatively fresh cool gas is supplied to cells through a first passage in the rotor, is heated for one rotation and the exits through a second passage in the rotor. This mode of operation allows low grade heat to pump gas.
申请公布号 WO2010026367(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.03.11
申请号 WO2009GB02103 申请日期 2009.09.02
分类号 F02G1/02;F02G5/02;F25B9/14 主分类号 F02G1/02
代理机构 代理人