发明名称 Dual ECU for aftermarket conversions of vehicles and boats to oxy-hydrogen or hybrid fuels
摘要 Modern ECU's control fuel flow and efficiency of high performance vehicles. Converting a standard fossil fuel vehicle or boat to oxy-hydrogen requires monitoring of additional factors such as oxy-hydrogen burn rates, oxy-hydrogen flow, oxy-hydrogen temperature, oxy-hydrogen production rates and overall factors such as barometric pressure, altitude, humidity, ambient temperatures etc. When a vehicle operating as a hybrid, experiences difficulties with oxy-hydrogen production, burn rate, fuel flow, or operating temperature, the ECU must compensate and revert back to fossil fuel operating status, or suffer engine failure and potentially costly mechanical damages. The herein described invention compensates for the combined mixture of oxy-hydrogen and fossil fuels to give a highly fuel efficient clean burning engine under normal operations, and automatically reverts back to fossil fuel parameter ECU mapping, if the oxy-hydrogen system should fail to deliver the required volume of oxy-hydrogen gas, or various types of hybrid fuels are used from time to time to increase fuel efficiency, and reduce costs, the herein described dual ECU system will thereby allow the vehicle to continue to operate normally, under all types of conditions, climates, temperature changes or changes in altitude.
申请公布号 US2010049417(A1) 申请公布日期 2010.02.25
申请号 US20090583181 申请日期 2009.08.15
分类号 F02C9/26;C25B1/06;F02B43/00;F02C7/22;F02D41/00 主分类号 F02C9/26
代理机构 代理人