摘要 The system is referring to the possibility to protect and control the access into an enclosed area, like as: house, office, store, vehicle, etc) - fig. 1. This invention consists in: one phone kit (1 ), one buzzer button (2), one microphone (3), one loudspeeker (4), one or more micro switches grading connected (5), one amplifier (6), one frequency decoder (7), one intermediary relay for electromagnetic bolt (8), one electromagnetic bolt (9), one 12V battery accumulator plus one battery- charging rectifier (10), one microphone - vibration detector (12), one 3G system photo /video camera and one 220V power supply (11 ) - fig. 2. One big problem of our days is to protect the private houses and enclosed areas against burglaries. This invention will solves precisely this problem without to pretend to remove the phenomenon. There is an advantage for any owner located at any distance by his property by being called and be able to communicate with the person which are ringing or simply knocking at the front door. After interrogation of ringing or knocking person, the owner can action properly: either call a neighbor or friend being closely, either call police emergency phone number. Due to the fact the system contains one or more switches, any unauthorized door or other access ways opening also shall cause the owner calling. Should the owner owns a phone with photo camera or 3G system telephone, then he can see the ringing / knocking person. Beside, due to the fact in the system exists a frequency decoder, the door can be locked or unlocked from distance by the owner by introducing a secret code, known only by him. Through this invention, the block of keys or even the right keys will be eliminated as access ways. Even a family member will ring or knock the door and the owner after identification of that family member, introducing the pre-established code will permitting the access in- house. Either the owner, either the mobile phone operators shall keep secret the calling number of the phone kit. Adding to this system one smoke detector and one water detector, the owner will be called in the case of fire or flood, too. The system can be extended to remote control other inside electrical systems, like: heat system, HVAC, internal / external lighting, etc. The system can be implemented in any vehicle, having the same function, respectively in the moment when one of the vehicle doors is open, the owner will be called instantly being able to communicate with the ones around / in the car. The owner will introduce the secret code being able to stop the engine, to block the doors and electrical windows or any other established function control by intervention codes - fig. 3. In the mean time, the owner using this system can control the engine starting from distance, can lock or unlock the doors, turn on / off the lights and any useful functionality. Also, by adding a smoke detector, the vehicle being in the parking, the firing of vehicle from electrical reasons will be prevent by calling the owner. Through this invention, in the future a car with automatic gear box could be remote driven by phone. In the case of applying on the car, the following devices will not be part of the system: one buzzer button (2), one microphone (3), one intermediary relay for electromagnetic bolt (8), one electromagnetic bolt (9), one battery-charging rectifier (10), and one 220V power supply (11 ).
申请公布号 WO2009113892(A8) 申请公布日期 2010.01.21
申请号 WO2008RO00005 申请日期 2008.05.07
分类号 G08B13/08;B60R25/10;E05B45/12;E05B47/00;G08B15/00;G08B25/08;H04M11/02;H04M11/04 主分类号 G08B13/08
代理机构 代理人