摘要 <p>Safety functions of automatic solar powered fluorescent helmet According to an in-depth investigation of helmets currently worn by motorists on the road from 2006 to 2008, more than 65 per cent failed to meet the approval of the Land Transport Authority. The developer also conducted a survey on motorcyclists, motorists and the public. Most of those interviewed agreed that motorcyclists should wear automatic solar powered fluorescent helmets, which are safer to motorists. Given that a motorcycle will be hit by vehicles following close behind if it loses control or brakes suddenly, motorists felt that motorcyclists must wear double protection to safeguard their lives. Young motorcyclist interviewed said that they would lose their freedom if the government makes it compulsory for motorcyclists to wear solar powered fluorescent helmets in future. The investigation report by the developer concluded that as many as 95 per cent of those surveyed approved and supported the use of the automatic solar powered fluorescent helmet The helmet sends an important message to all motorcyclists worldwide, that is, it makes the best of both worlds by offering motorists and the public double protection as their lives are equally important. Motorcyclists worldwide are not the only one benefiting from the automatic solar powered fluorescent helmet. Wearing the helmet also concerns people from various quarters and the country as a whole. The developer hopes to work with the relevant government agencies and insurance companies to advise all motorists to wear automatic solar powered fluorescent helmets on the road within a certain time frame. The developer reiterates that to keep thee roads free of congestion and prevent motorcyclists from causing serious accidents, the government must stipulates that should traffic accidents happen When motorists are not wearing automatic solar powered fluorescent helmets, Insurance companies shall not be liable for any compensation.</p>
申请公布号 WO2010008347(A2) 申请公布日期 2010.01.21
申请号 WO2009SG00254 申请日期 2009.07.17
分类号 A42B3/18;A42B3/00;A42B3/04 主分类号 A42B3/18
代理机构 代理人