发明名称 Method for restoration of lymphocirculation through the thoracic duct in the hepatic cirrhosis with refractory ascites
摘要 The invention relates to medicine, particularly hepatology and can be used for restoration of lymphocirculation through the thoracic duct to patients with hepatic cirrhosis with refractory ascites. Summary of the invention consists in that under local anesthesia it is made a horizontal incision of 4à5 cm in the left supraclavicular region, there are sectioned the IàIV cervical fasciae, it is mobilized the internal jugular vein and the left venous angle, it is separated the thoracic lymphatic duct in the region of the left venous angle, it is mobilized the thoracic lymphatic duct along the full cervical segment with release from adhesions, there are mobilized the afferent lymphatic branches, it is prepared one of the branches, having the greatest diameter, through which it is introduced a bulbous-end probe with the diameter of 1à3 mm into the lumen of the thoracic lymphatic duct, then it is temporarily pressed with the help of a clip the terminal part of the thoracic duct and with the help of a syringe it is retrogradely introduced under pressure an anesthetic solution by filling the lumen of the cervical duct, the other afferent lymphatic branches are sectioned and legated, and after restoration of lymphocirculation it is released the terminal portion of the thoracic lymphatic duct. The wound is sutured in layers. As anesthetic solution is used 2% or 10% lidocaine solution in the quantity of 5à10 ml.
申请公布号 MD116(Y) 申请公布日期 2009.12.31
申请号 MDS20090189 申请日期 2009.10.07
分类号 A61B17/00 主分类号 A61B17/00
代理机构 代理人