发明名称 System for issue of recommendations to object of investigation as to time periods for getting maximal efficiency of use of its individual advances
摘要 System for issue of recommendations to object of investigation as to time periods for getting maximal efficiency of use of its individual advances includes sub-system for formation of phase of activity of object of investigation, sub-system for formation of parameters of object of investigations, sub-system for calculation of parameters of information-power field, sub-system for formation of parameters of environment and logical device, at that to set of sub-system for formation of phase of activity of object of investigation indicator of phases of activity of object of investigation in time is included, and block of adaptation of input/output data of object of investigation, to set of sub-system for formation of parameters of object of investigation block for storage of data base of object of investigation is included, to set of sub-system of calculation of parameters of information-power field block for storage of data base as to reference/solar system and block for issue of information on state of reference/solar system at output time period are included, to set of sub-system for formation of parameters of environment indicator of spatial-time coordinates of object of investigation at time period under investigation is included, and intermediate collector of informative parameters of environment, and to set of logical device block for analysis of output data is included, at that in sub-system for formation of phase of activity of object of investigation output of indicator of phases of activity of object of investigation in time is connected to input of bl0ck for adaptation of input/output data of object under investigation by means of channel of input/output data entry, input/output of block for adaptation of input/output data of object of investigation is connected to object under investigation, first output of block for adaptation of input/output data of object of investigation is connected to output of block for storage of data base of object of investigation, second input of block for adaptation of input/output data of object of investigation is connected to output of indicator of spatial-time coordinates of object of investigation as time period under investigation, output of block for storage of data base of object of investigation is connected to first input of block for issue of information on state of reference/solar system at output period of time, output of indicator of spatial-time coordinates of object of investigation at time period under investigation is connected to second input of block for issue of information as to state of reference/solar system at output time period for sub-system of calculation of parameters of information-power field, in the sub-system for calculation of parameters of information0power field output of block for storage of data base as to reference/solar system is connected to the third input of block for issue of information as to state of reference/solar system at output time period, output of that block for issue of information on state of reference/solar system at output time period is connected by channel of input of information parameters to input of intermediate collector of information parameters of environment, output of the intermediate collector of information parameters of environment is connected by channel for transfer of information parameters to input of block for analysis of output data, output of block for analysis of output data is connected by channel of transfer of output information to input of indicator of phases of activity of object of investigation in time of sub-system for formation of phase of activity of object under investigation. System includes as well sub-system for preparation of data base as to object under investigation, at that to set of the sub-system for preparation of data base as to object of investigation block for collection of preliminary information as to object of investigation is included, block for investigation of primary data of object of investigation and block for formation of data base for object of investigation, to set of sub-system for formation of parameters of object of investigation intermediate collector of information parameters for object of investigation is included, to set of sub-system of calculation of parameters of information-power field block for processing spatial-time coordinates of object of investigation at time period under investigation is additionally included, to set of logical device additionally are included block for processing information parameters and analytical filter, at that I the sub-system for preparation of data base for object of investigation output of block for collection of preliminary information on object under investigation is connected to output of block for formation of data base on object of investigation by communication channel through block for investigation of primary data on object of investigation, output of block for formation of data base on object of investigation is connected to second input of block for storage of data base for object of investigation by means of communication channel, output of block for collection of preliminary information on object of investigation is connected to the third output of block for adaptation of input/output data of object of investigation by means of channel for data feeding on object of investigation, block for processing spatial-time coordinates of object of investigation at time period under investigation is installed in channel for entry of information parameters between the block for issue of information as to state of reference/solar system at initial time period and intermediate collector of informative parameters of environment in such way that its first output if connected to input of intermediate collector of informative parameters of environment and the second output – to input of intermediate collector of informative parameters on object of investigation, block for processing informative parameters and analytical filter are installed in sequence in channel for information parameters transfer in such way that output of intermediate collector of informative parameters of environment is connected to the first input of block for processing informative parameters, output of the block for processing informative parameters is connected to input of block for analysis of output data through analytical filter, output of the intermediate collector of informative parameters for object under investigation is connected to the second input of the block for processing informative parameters, this is included to set of logical device.
申请公布号 UA46674(U) 申请公布日期 2009.12.25
申请号 UA20090010118U 申请日期 2009.10.05
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人