发明名称 System and method for cycle slip prevention in a frequency synthesizer
摘要 An improved method of cycle slip prevention in a frequency synthesizer is achieved by determining phase error between a divided VCO and reference, determining whether a phase error of a full cycle slip has occurred and in which direction and altering the phase of the VCO divided signal in the amount and direction to reduce the phase error to less than one reference cycle. The result is an improved transfer function of the PFD, proportional to the phase error in the region -2*pi to 2*pi, and fixed close to maximum when the phase error exceeds the above interval. This invention is achieved with the addition of digital circuitry to monitor and control the PFD and the VCO divider, and does not require additional analog charge pump circuitry.
申请公布号 US2009278618(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.11.12
申请号 US20090387525 申请日期 2009.05.04
分类号 H03L7/099 主分类号 H03L7/099
代理机构 代理人