发明名称 Analysis Method
摘要 A method of analysing measured data, in relation to expected data, from a system which has a plurality of associated system variables, is provided, the method including the steps of: a) optimising an error function which relates said measured data to a predetermined number of the system variables adjusting the system variables; b) selecting a subset of the adjusted variables; and c) re-optimising the error function by adjusting only the variables in said subset. A method of identifying likely contributors to an error cause in measured data from a system which has a plurality of associated system variables, is also provided which uses the above method. A further method of analysing measured engine service or test data, in relation to expected data, from an engine has a plurality of associated system variables, is provided which includes the step of optimising an error function which relates said measured data to a predetermined number of the system variables by adjusting the system variables, wherein the error function is a sum of absolute variations and the step of optimising includes a least-absolutes optimisation.
申请公布号 US2009271149(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.10.29
申请号 US20060887618 申请日期 2006.04.13
分类号 G06F15/00;G05B23/02;G06F11/00 主分类号 G06F15/00
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