发明名称 Apparatus for making ice glasses, bowls and candleholders
摘要 A one-piece apparatus for making ice glasses using a regular glass. The apparatus is shaped like a cylindrical nipple with a dome-shaped head that gradually widens until it turns into a round base with a protruding rim around its circumference. The apparatus is used with a regular glass with a uniform rim, and the freezing action takes place with the regular glass upside down. Use of the apparatus is simple and efficient. First, a regular glass is filled with water. Then the apparatus is inserted into the regular glass so that the nipple is facing the bottom of the glass. Next, the regular glass is turned upside down, with the apparatus in it, and placed in the freezer. After the water has frozen, the apparatus and the regular glass are separated and an ice glass is obtained.
申请公布号 US2009242732(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.10.01
申请号 US20080079066 申请日期 2008.03.25
分类号 F25C1/22;B29C33/42 主分类号 F25C1/22
代理机构 代理人