发明名称 Robust and efficient communications systems apparatus using Koay-Vaman transform technique to handle burst noise
摘要 The proposed invention teaches the principle of KV transform coding is an orthogonal and invertible "embedded transform coding" method that provides a very efficient error control with low-complexity decoding and operates at very low Eb/N0. It is unique in the sense that it corrects errors and the remaining samples in error are known unlike other known techniques. The proposed invention has been implemented with error correction, single retransmission of selected samples in error and interleaving of samples of KV blocks to achieve BER of 10-7 at average EB/N0 of <10 dB and BER of 10-3 at an average BER of <3 dB. More over, the proposed system has a code redundancy of log2 (n) for correcting first order correction of one sample in error out of four samples received with a code rate of 2/3. The invention is useful for noisy wireless networks.
申请公布号 US2009228760(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.09.10
申请号 US20080074905 申请日期 2008.03.08
分类号 H03M13/00 主分类号 H03M13/00
代理机构 代理人