发明名称 Violin thumb pad
摘要 A violin thumb pad that facilitates the optimal positioning of violin relative to the player's thumb supporting the violin neck, for teaching purpose and for increased comfort and reduced physical stress, is introduced. Assuming the violin player uses left hand to play the violin finger board, and used right hand to hold the bow, the violin thumb pad forces the left thumb and palm to turn towards the player so the player's fingers are inline with the violin string naturally. The violin thumb pad also forces the left thumb and to be comfortably straight. And it forces the left elbow to stay close with the player's body. The violin thumb pad also makes it easier to place the violin neck between the thumb and index finger and not letting the violin neck drop to the bottom of the thumb. The violin thumb pad comprises an elongated pad that has one side conformable to the thumb and one side conformable to the violin neck, and at least one harnesses or loops that fastens the pad to the thumb.
申请公布号 US7582818(B2) 申请公布日期 2009.09.01
申请号 US20070768195 申请日期 2007.06.25
分类号 G10D1/02 主分类号 G10D1/02
代理机构 代理人