发明名称 Inverse multiplexing for ethernet transport network
摘要 In order to enhance link utilization in an Ethernet transport network it is suggested to determine a set of active member links out of a set of available member links and distribute the client signal (A) onto the active member links according to a distribution algorithm. For each of the active member links at least a portion of the client signal (A) is distributed to, a member signal (B) is generated comprising frames generated out of the portions that are distributed to the active member link. At least one control frame is generated comprising a counter describing the number of member frames transmitted on the active member link and a member signal (C) is generated by inserting the control frame into the member signal (B). The member signals (C) are transmitted from a first network element (1) to a second network element (2) via the Ethernet transport network (3). A received member signal (E) is generated out of each member signal (D) received at the second network element (2) by extracting the control frame and a received client signal (F) is generated by combining the received member signals (E) according to the distribution algorithm, wherein the received client signal (F) corresponds to the client signal (A).
申请公布号 EP2075962(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.07.01
申请号 EP20070291629 申请日期 2007.12.27
分类号 H04L12/56 主分类号 H04L12/56
代理机构 代理人