摘要 The invention proposes a pull-push balanced current amplifier. The said amplifier comprises first and second current sources, thirty-eight transistors, two resistors, positive and negative buses, an input bus, an output bus, a neutral bus, leads of the first current source are connected with collectors of second and third transistors correspondingly, and also with buses of eighth and eleventh transistors correspondingly, emitters of second and third transistors are connected with emitters of first and fourth transistors, correspondingly, bases of second and third transistors are connected with emitters of eighth and eleventh transistors correspondingly, and also with collectors of a seventh and a twelfth transistors correspondingly, bases of the first and the fourth transistors are connected with bases and collectors of fifth and sixth transistors correspondingly, and also with bases the seventh and the twelfth transistors correspondingly, and also with bases of thirteenth and sixteenth transistor correspondingly, collectors of the first and the nineteenth transistors, and also emitters of fifth, seventh, thirteenth, thirty first, thirty third, twenty third, twenty seventh transistors are connected with the positive bus, collectors of the fourth, twenty second, and also emitters of sixth, twelfth, sixteenth, thirty second, thirty sixth, twenty sixth, thirteenth transistors are connected with the negative bus, collectorsof eighth and eleventh transistors are connected with collectors of ninth and tenth transistors correspondingly and also with bases of nineteenth and twenty second transistors correspondingly, emitters of ninth and tenth transistors are connected with the neutral bus, bases of ninth and tenth transistors are connected with correspondent outputs of the second current source, and also with emitters nineteenth and twenty second transistors correspondingly, and also with bases of fourteenth and fifteenth transistors correspondingly, emitters of fourteenth and fifteenth transistors are connected with the input bus, and also with first output of first resistor collectors of fourteenth and fifteenth transistors are connected with collectors thirteenth and sixteenth transistors correspondingly, and also with bases of seventeenth and eighteenth transistors correspondingly, bases and collectors of twentieth and twenty first transistors are connected with bases of twenty fourth and twenty fifth transistors correspondingly, and also with bases of twenty eighth and twenty ninth transistors correspondingly, emitters of twentieth and twenty first transistors are connected with collectors of thirty first and thirty second transistors correspondingly, and also with bases of twenty third and twenty sixth transistors correspondingly, and also with bases of twenty seventh and thirtieth transistors correspondingly, bases of thirty first and thirty second transistors are connected with bases and collectors of thirty third and thirty sixth transistors correspondingly, and also with collectors of thirty fourth and thirty fifth transistors correspondingly, collectors of twenty third and twenty sixth transistors are connected with emitters of twenty fourth and twenty fifth transistors correspondingly, collectors of twenty fourth and twenty fifth transistors are connected with collectors and bases of thirty seventh and thirty eighth transistors correspondingly, and also with bases of the thirty fourth and the thirty fifth transistors correspondingly, emitters of of thirty fourth and thirty fifth transistors are united; emitters of thirty seventh and thirty eighth transistors are connected with second output of first resistor, and also, with first output of second resistor, a second output of second resistor is connected with the neutral bus, collectors of twenty seventh and thirty transistors are connected with emitters of twenty eighth and twenty ninth transistors correspondingly, collectors of twenty eighth and twenty ninth transistors are connected with the output bus. Thirty ninth, fortieth, forty fist, forty second transistors are also added in the device.
申请公布号 UA41318(U) 申请公布日期 2009.05.12
申请号 UA20090000494U 申请日期 2009.01.23
分类号 H03K5/22 主分类号 H03K5/22
代理机构 代理人