发明名称 OLED with fullerene charge transporting layer
摘要 The OLED has electrodes between which is a fullerene charge transporting layer and an electroluminescent material layer. The OLED has in order an anode, a fullerene hole transporting layer, the electroluminescent layer, a fullerene electron transporting layer and a cathode. The hole transporting layer may have one or more adjacent hole transporting layers and the electron transporting layer may have one or more adjacent electron transporting layers. The fullerene may be mixed with polymers and/or doped with metal.
申请公布号 GB2453387(A8) 申请公布日期 2009.04.29
申请号 GB20070020078 申请日期 2007.10.15
申请人 发明人
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人