发明名称 System of dispatcher control of movable biological objects with use of signals of global satellite system of radio-navigation
摘要 System of dispatcher control of movable biological objects with use of signals of global satellite system of radio-navigation includes N followed objects each of which has radio-modem, to its second input trough communication lines signals come from central point, indicator (GPS receiver) output of which is first input of radio-modem, and to input of that indicator navigation signals come, those fall to broadband directional diagram of antennae fixed on each movable object, central point in set of connected in cascade radio-modem to first and second inputs of which through telecommunication communication channels signals come from radio-modems installed on N followed movable objects, processing device input of which is output of radio-modem, and its output if input of indicator of operator of central point that respectively to situation through control panel changes modes of operation of control block output of which is third input of radio-modem, block for adjustment of geometrical and kinematical parameters first input of which is output of communication device, second input if first additional output of processing device, third input is first output of data base of electronic maps, fourth input is first output of former of window of zone of situation problem, and fifth input is first output of block for guaranteeing accuracy of input data, its second output is input of block for uncoupling of situation problem, first and second outputs of that one are, respectively, second input of communication device and second input of processing device, its third and fourth outputs are, respectively, second input of communication device and second input of processing device, the third and the fourth outputs of that one are connected, respectively, to the first input of data base of electronic maps and first input of emergency situation reveal device, its second input is second output of data base of data of electronic maps, its second input if output of block for adjustment of geometrical and kinematical parameters, and the first and the second inputs of former of window of zone of emergency situation are connected, respectively, to the third output of data base of electronic maps and second output of device for reveal of emergency situation first output of which is additional input of indicator, at that the first output of block for guaranteeing accuracy of input data is second output of former of window of zone of situation problem; communication device of central point that has two-side switch with separate communication l;ine that provides access to server of Internet network where in real time data come from K control and support stations and L radio-following stations antennae of which receive signal from radio-beacon of N-th followed movable object, and outpu6s of those transfer received signals of radio-beacons through Internet network and separate communication line to communication device of central point. To system additionally are included block for control of state of biological object inputs of which are outputs of indicators for control of biological and physical parameters of movable biological object output of which is input of radio-modem, and block for information storing first input of which is output of indicator (GPS receiver), second input if output of block for control of state of biological object.
申请公布号 UA39917(U) 申请公布日期 2009.03.25
申请号 UA20070012390U 申请日期 2007.11.07
分类号 G01S5/14 主分类号 G01S5/14
代理机构 代理人