发明名称 System and Method Tracking the Position of a Listener and Transmitting Binaural Audio Data to the Listener
摘要 A binaural technology method includes: determining positions related to position of both ears of a listener, receiving a wireless RF signal including binaural audio data is received, and presenting the binaural audio data to the listener By determining ear positions of a listener e.g. in 3D, information of the listener's position e.g. in a virtual environment is known, and further by wireless transmitting binaural audio signals to the listener, it becomes possible to transmit 3D audio data matching the listener's position and movements accordingly. Further, since the position of both ears is known, it is possible to individually match the binaural audio data to the listener, since it is possible to derive from the ear positions a distance between the listener's ears, and hereby a valuable parameter is known that can be used to generate binaural signals that individually fits the listener. Thus, the listener can be provided with a better 3D audio experience. Especially, the determined positions may correspond to ear canal reference points for the binaural audio data. The positions in the ears may be derived based on RF signals, e.g. by using earphones, e.g. in-the-ear type earphones, that are also used to wirelessly receive and reproduce the binaural audio data to the listener. The ear phones may be arranged to wirelessly transmit the determined position data to a remote processor that generates the binaural audio data accordingly. The method may be used for applications such as: binaural synthesis, binaural capturing, inverse binaural filtering, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, teleconferencing, inter-com, exhibition/museum, and traffic signals.
申请公布号 US2009052703(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.02.26
申请号 US20070295979 申请日期 2007.04.04
分类号 H04R5/02;H04R5/00 主分类号 H04R5/02
代理机构 代理人