发明名称 Device and Method for Automatically Regulating Supplemental Oxygen Flow-Rate
摘要 Device and method for limiting adverse events during supplemental oxygen therapy are disclosed. In the present invention, the oxygen flow between a patient and an oxygen source is controlled with a valve such as a proportional solenoid capable of constraining flow-rates within a continuous range. The flow-rate of oxygen is accurately controlled in a closed-loop with flow-rate measurements. Measures of a patient's vital physiological statistics are used to automatically determine optimum therapeutic oxygen flow-rate. Controller signal filtering is disclosed to improve the overall response and stability. The control algorithm varies flow-rates to minimize disturbances in the patient feedback measurements.
申请公布号 US2009050152(A1) 申请公布日期 2009.02.26
申请号 US20060918095 申请日期 2006.04.12
分类号 A61M16/20 主分类号 A61M16/20
代理机构 代理人