发明名称 Verfahren zur UEbertragung von Telegraphiezeichen, bei dem an der Sendeseite die Sendung in Gruppen von Zeichen erfolgt
摘要 930,128. Error detecting telegraph systems. DE STAAT DER NEDERLANDEN, TEN DEZE VERTEGENWOORDIGD DOOR DE DIRECTEUR-GENERAAL DER POSTERIJEN, TELEGRAFIE EN TELEFONIE. March 6, 1961 [March 15, 1960; June 23, 1960], No. 8044/61. Class 40(3). In a simplex telegraph system using an error-detecting code, signals are transmitted from the master station M in blocks designated alternately I, II. At the slave station S reception of a correct group I or II causes the transmission to the master of a service signal RII or RI respectively whereupon the master transmits the next group II or I respectively. If the slave receives a mutilated group I or II it transmits a service signal RI or RII respectively, whereupon the master retransmits the group I or II which was received mutilated. General system, Fig. 1.-Each signal block comprises three signals and lasts t m.sec. Station M transmits a first block I to station S where it is received correctly, each signal in the block being checked individually. S then transmits two service signals RII, which are coreectly received at M. The propagation time per path is d, and the time taken for a printer to print the received signal is p: p is assumed to be 2t. As the next group to be transmitted, block II, must not be received before the end of printing of block I (t + a) must be equal to or greater than p. It is not necessary, in this example, for both signals RII to be received before transmission of the next block if the first of these service signals is received correctly. If it is not received correctly a is extended by the duration of a service signal so that if, during this extra time, the second service signal is received correctly the transmitter may immediately transmit the corresponding block. Assuming correct reception of the first signal RII the master receiver is blocked at 3<SP>1</SP> and block II is immediately transmitted, as indicated, the start of the first signal in block II arriving at the slave just after the end of the printing of block I. In the case of a short propagation time, Fig. 2 (not shown), both service signals RII are received before transmission of the block II, while in the case of a long propagation time, Fig. 3 (not shown), the delay a-in Fig. 1, equal to t-must be extended by an amount c in order to receive the first service signal RII. The printer, in this case, must be stopped for a time s, equal to c, before block II is received for printing. Calling the slave station, Fig. 5.-When M wishes to communicate with S it transmits a service signal SI. If this is received mutilated no return service signal is transmitted by S. Thus M, after waiting the normal period a and having received nothing, waits a further period c. If nothing is yet received it transmits SI again. In the example the same thing happens again, but the third time SI is transmitted it is received correctly and S responds by transmitting RI. However, this is received mutilated, so after the delay (a + c) SI is transmitted a fourth time. This time RI is received correctly at M and there is thus no need to wait the extra time c before transmitting. The requested signal block I is therefore transmitted. Correct reception of this block causes transmission of the signal RII from S and the subsequent transmission of block II from M. During calling, only one return service signal RI or RII is transmitted in order that the propagation time may be determined unambiguously, but when communication has been established double return signals are sent, as indicated. System reaction to various forms of disturbance, Fig. 4.-In this example it is assumed that the first block I to be transmitted is received correctly. As normal, two resultant service signals RII are transmitted from the slave but these are received mutilated. After time (a + c), therefore, M transmits SI which requests repetition of the service signal from S. The first of these repeated signals being correctly received M transmits block II. Mutilation is detected in the period f, so after delay RII is again repeated. At the end of delay a, M transmits the requested block II, this block being preceded by a signal &alpha;. Signal &alpha; is transmitted whenever a repetition of a signal from M is requested. If block II is again received mutilated S no longer sends a service signal. Station M therefore receives no signal after a delay of (a + c) and so transmits a service signal SI. Correct reception results in S sending two signals RII, indicating that it still wants to receive block II. The first RII is mutilated, so M waits an extra period c. RII being correctly received in this period, block II and signal &alpha; are transmitted. The last component signal of the block is mutilated so S transmits signals RII yet again. From now on, no mutilation occurs so the signals transmitted are, successively, block II plus &alpha;, service signals RI, block I, &c. Modification of general system. Fig. 8 (not shown). In this system signal blocks I are sent as normal, and blocks II are sent with their elements of inverted polarity. The signals RI and RII are not inverted but, for maximum discrimination, RI is the inverse of RII. In this examplesignals RI and RII are always sentsingly. Specifications 840,501 and 840,502 are referred to.
申请公布号 DE1171463(B) 申请公布日期 1964.06.04
申请号 DE1961ST17562 申请日期 1961.03.10
分类号 H04L1/18 主分类号 H04L1/18
代理机构 代理人