发明名称 Hazard free screened switch using magnetic flux and glass
摘要 During the service for last more than 22 years in WAPDA the inventor experienced several fatal/non-fatal accidents due to electrocution. The victims were from WAPDA and Public as well of severe nature resulting into amputation of hands, arms and limbs of the body and indeed in many cases of electrocution resulting into death. Such accidents are indeed very shocking, painful for me to alarming degree. By the MERCY of ALLAH the inventor was moved by a motivating force to prevent these irreparable/irreversible losses and saving the precious lives of the people. Although it was not possible for the inventor to achieve 100% accident free system from sending end (power houses) to receiving end (grid station, power station houses) yet by the Leave of ALLAH the inventor has achieved 100% success in inventing the "Screened Switch" 100% free of electrical current. By using flux instead of current, the life threatening danger and electrocution of all parts of body have now been overcome which is indeed a great achievement in the history of electrical engineering. The chief beneficiaries from this invention are Engineers, Technical and Electricians (very prone to accidents) directly involved in performing operations for energizing mechanical and de-energizing electrical energy and vice versa. Now the inventor is satisfied to a considerable degree with his invention by eradicating life-taking hazards and by promoting safety from safe to the "safest" state of level at global level.
申请公布号 US2008309439(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.12.18
申请号 US20080155470 申请日期 2008.06.04
分类号 H01H21/18 主分类号 H01H21/18
代理机构 代理人