发明名称 Apparatus for a Removable Wireless Module With Storage Memory
摘要 A smart modular wireless device is divided into two main parts the cartridge which contains wireless components and the shell which contains non-wireless components. The cartridge further includes storage memory that is accessible to the shell via a removable interface. The shell may use the storage memory on the cartridge to store user data. The user data may be the primary data for software on the shell. The shell may also backup data to a file stored on the cartridge. The shell may also synchronize data with a file on the cartridge. The cartridge may be inserted into a second shell with software that may support a different format of user data as the first shell. The second shell may synchronize its own user data with the synchronization file on the cartridge, thereby keeping its own user data file substantially similar to the first shell's user data file. This synchronization between user data and synchronization files can happen manually or automatically in the background to give the user the appearance that the first and second shell are accessing the same user data when the cartridge is swapped between them.
申请公布号 US2008207268(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.08.28
申请号 US20060814676 申请日期 2006.01.13
分类号 H04B1/38 主分类号 H04B1/38
代理机构 代理人