发明名称 Mechanical resistance training device for skating
摘要 The present invention is a device that can be used to provide resistance training for skaters to improve their skills, and that can be used in an actual rink or practice area. Two embodiments of the invention are described; a basic resistance training device and a slightly more sophisticated resistance training device. The basic training device comprises a body; a dual spool resistance wheel assembly; a return pulley assembly; two slack compensators; and a skater's belt. The second embodiment comprises a directional spool resistance wheel assembly and is used in the same manner as that of the basic training device with the exception that a directional resistance wheel is mounted on the shaft with a unidirectional bearing, wherein the unidirectional bearing drives the directional resistance wheel only in one direction.
申请公布号 US2006100063(A1) 申请公布日期 2006.05.11
申请号 US20050196105 申请日期 2005.08.02
分类号 A63B22/00 主分类号 A63B22/00
代理机构 代理人