发明名称 Method And System For A Configurable Communication Integrated Circuit And/Or Chipset
摘要 A deployed configurable communication integrated circuit (IC) and/or chipset which may be integrated within a wireless communication and/or multi-media communication device may be operable to monitor its operating conditions, performance and/or utilization characteristics. It may send information via a wireless, optical and/or wired network to a remote analysis and/or development system and/or service, such as an engineering service, that may determine and return configuration parameters. The configuration parameters may be utilized to adjust antenna and/or MIMO, SIMO, MISO and beamforming configuration, power level, interference rejection, equalizer length, dynamic range, modulation, encoding and/or decoding, analog to digital conversion precision, error detection and/or correction parameters, MAC parameters such as timing thresholds, transmit window size and/or buffer space. The configurable communication IC and/or chipset may configure and/or reconfigure itself one or more times over a period of time while deployed in the field.
申请公布号 US2008304425(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.12.11
申请号 US20080136595 申请日期 2008.06.10
分类号 H04L12/24 主分类号 H04L12/24
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