发明名称 Data Management in an Electric Pen
摘要 In an information management system for handling digital position data recorded by an electronic pen, the pen is designed to operate essentially independently of other system components. The pen is controlled to incorporate the position data into a data file object suitable for storage in a file system, and to expose the file object to an external data handler. The data file object may then be transported in the system from the external data handler in a sequential chain of transfers, with each transfer being independent of other transfers. The pen may be controlled to convert recordings of a first code on a product to one or more absolute positions in a coordinate system, to convert recordings of a second code to data indicative of a functional layout of the product, the data defining one or more functional areas in the coordinate system, and to map the absolute position(s) against the data to identify if the absolute position(s) falls within the functional area(s). Thus, the pen may be dynamically provided with a description of all or parts of the functional layout of a product, thereby reducing the need of the pen to pre-store such descriptions for all products. Encryption or usage may also be controlled based on data encoded by the second code.
申请公布号 US2008296074(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.12.04
申请号 US20050630901 申请日期 2005.06.29
分类号 G06F3/038 主分类号 G06F3/038
代理机构 代理人