发明名称 Heat treatment of long material - by using high frequency waves
摘要 <p>A resonant chamber is used for heat treatment of certain materials of suitable absorbent qualities to high frequency waves. The waves from an antenna at one end of a box are directed towards the material to be treated which passes continuously over a slit in the upper wall of the box. The slit is adjustable in shape and a further modification is in the provision of a wedge within the box which helps to concentrate the waves on the material to be treated. Suitable for material of large dimensions and of suitable absorbing qualities.</p>
申请公布号 FR2120403(A5) 申请公布日期 1972.08.18
申请号 FR19700047568 申请日期 1970.12.31
分类号 H05B6/78;(IPC1-7):05B9/00 主分类号 H05B6/78
代理机构 代理人