发明名称 Method and system for inducing circulation by convection in a looped fire protection system and method for installation of same
摘要 A method and system for installing and operating a multipurpose fire protection system is disclosed. The steps of the method include providing a water source to a structure, providing pre-assembled vertical sprinklers drops, installing vertical sprinkler drops at designated locations within the structure, and sequentially attaching flexible tubing to each drop to create a loop, whereby water is supplied to each sprinkler via two different flow paths. A system for simultaneously inducing flow and adding or removing heat from fluid in the piping includes a convection drop comprising a piping loop with a u-shaped section, the convection drop containing a fluid which has a density that varies as a function of temperature, and a thermal means for changing the temperature of fluid in the convection drop, whereby freezing of the fluid is prevented by adding heat using the thermal means and inducing the heated fluid to flow throughout the piping system.
申请公布号 US2008223589(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.09.18
申请号 US20050029836 申请日期 2005.01.06
分类号 A62C35/00;A62C3/06;B05B1/24;B05B7/16;B05B12/10;B05B15/06;F04B19/24 主分类号 A62C35/00
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