发明名称 System and methods for tracking local database access
摘要 Network based intrusion detection analyzes DB access attempts prior to transport into the host computer system and accordingly, mitigate resource overhead. However, host computer systems often employ local access such as a DBA account. Monitoring access attempts via the network monitor may not encompass such local access attempts. A data security device which intercepts both local and remote access attempts to the database resource monitors all database access attempts for auditing and security analysis. The data security device receives local access transactions via a local agent on the host. The local agent identifies and integrates with an interprocess communication (IPC) mechanism on the host computer system. The local agent implements an IPC interception mechanism to direct local database access attempts to the local agent, which then forwards the intercepted attempts to the data security device for further analysis. The network data security device therefore observes local access attempts via interception and transmission to the data security device, thereby consolidating analysis and logging of the data access attempts via the data security device.
申请公布号 US7426512(B1) 申请公布日期 2008.09.16
申请号 US20040780407 申请日期 2004.02.17
分类号 G06F17/30;G06F7/00 主分类号 G06F17/30
代理机构 代理人