发明名称 Method for adjusting a digital display signal to overcome non-ideal pixel switching distortion
摘要 A method of adjusting a signal for a digital display where the input signal includes a number of discrete input intensity values which causes the display to give actual output signals having discrete output intensity values, and where the relationship between the input signal to actual output signal departs from a desired input signal to output signal relationship, comprises: (1) considering at least a first input value and a first actual output value for the first input value; (ii) finding a second input value and a second actual output value for the second input value where the second actual output value is closer to the desired first input value; (iii) recording a relationship between the first and second input values; and (iv) substituting the second input value for the first input value in the signal, for example using a look-up table (LUT), Figure 2(d). The method may be carried out for all input values, and be used to correct for non-ideal pixel switching distortions, such as false contouring.
申请公布号 GB2447088(A) 申请公布日期 2008.09.03
申请号 GB20070004080 申请日期 2007.03.02
分类号 H04N5/21;H04N5/20;H04N5/44 主分类号 H04N5/21
代理机构 代理人