发明名称 Method And Apparatus For Folding Or Separate Bags
摘要 A folder and method for folding plastic bags includes at least one folding station. The folding station has a folding point where an input, an output and a storage portion meet. The bag travels in the input portion in a different direction than in the storage portion. The output direction is substantially the same as the input direction. A turning air source is disposed to direct the bag into the storage portion and an air source is disposed to direct the bag into the output section. A fin helps guide the bag into the output portion. A turning roll disposed above the turning point, and imparts motion to the bag, generally in the storage direction. A second folding station, similar to the first, is downstream the first folding station. The output direction for the first station is the same as the input direction for the second station, and the bag path between the first and second folding stations is substantially linear. A separator located upstream of the folder includes a separator nip formed by separator rolls that are in, and remain in, the film path in one embodiment. A slow-down section includes servo-driven slow down rolls with projections there on.
申请公布号 US2008200323(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.08.21
申请号 US20070951053 申请日期 2007.12.05
分类号 B31B1/26;B31B19/98;B31F1/00 主分类号 B31B1/26
代理机构 代理人