发明名称 AF UNIX Socket Across Systems in the Same Computer on Computer Systems that Support Multiple Operating System Images
摘要 The present invention is directed to a system, method and software program product for extending the use of Unix domain sockets to support multiple operating system images. An application creates a Unix domain socket using the sockets system call and binds the socket to a system file pathname for a service using an appropriate system call. The system file pathname represents the connection binding to the service. The operating system running the application may recognize that the service does not reside on the same operating system image and, therefore, a Unix domain socket cannot be used to communicate. To the operating system the system file pathname represents the binding that translates to a pathname that represents a real I/O device for cross-system communications. The operating system translates the system file pathname to a device pathname for the service. An appropriate transport is selected for the device and the transport invokes the point-to-point I/O device. Interprocess communication can then proceed.
申请公布号 US2008155103(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.06.26
申请号 US20060614228 申请日期 2006.12.21
分类号 G06F15/16 主分类号 G06F15/16
代理机构 代理人