发明名称 Wireless Proximity-Based Information System
摘要 A Wireless Proximity-Based Information System that enables users to gather and store information about objects in their immediate surroundings. The system consists of three components: (i) an Information Server, (ii) a User Interface Client, and (iii) an Administrative Toolkit. The Information Server is packaged as a self-contained, headless electronic device that can be embedded in, attached to, or placed nearby the object it describes. The User Interface Client resides on a mobile phone, PDA, or other handheld device. It provides the means to communicate real time over-the-air with all Information Servers within range. The Administrative Toolkit is a desktop application for controlling the Information Server. It provides capabilities to (i) create, revise, and download information content, (ii) regulate access to content, (iii) upload and analyze usage and performance statistics, and (iv) manage the distribution of Information Server patches and upgrades.
申请公布号 US2008144549(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.06.19
申请号 US20060611077 申请日期 2006.12.14
分类号 H04B7/00 主分类号 H04B7/00
代理机构 代理人