发明名称 Method and kit for preparing impregnated tissue samples for histopathological and molecular studies.
摘要 A process for the production of paraffin sections of biological tissue, especially for molecular pathology studies is disclosed. In the process, the tissue sample is simultaneously fixed, dehydrated and cleared in a first step, subsequently dehydrated and cleared in a second step and infiltrated with an inert specimen matrix in a third step. The specimen can then be further embedded in a casting supporting matrix according to the standard procedures followed by any local pathology or research laboratory. A kit and a processing station for automating paraffin embedding of a tissue sample suitable for histopathological and molecular analysis is also described. A bio-indicator system is described for measuring the degree of crosslinking. A tissue sample holding means or a vial which includes a tissue sample holding means provided with a data logging device capable of registering and transmitting data regarding the sample and conditions where the sample was processed is also disclosed.
申请公布号 EP1913359(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.04.23
申请号 EP20060776531 申请日期 2006.07.31
分类号 B01L3/00;G01N1/30;G01N1/31;G01N1/36;G01N35/00 主分类号 B01L3/00
代理机构 代理人