发明名称 Device for billboards
摘要 Device at billboards where the board has an upper frame (1), two side frames (2,3) and one lower frame (5), where the message when lifted consists of only a plastic film (7) whose lower edge has been fastened to a tube (22) whose length corresponds to the width of the message and where the message before being lifted has been rolled on the tube, characterized by the fact that the board is equipped with a lifting ruler (6) which has a groove (30) in which a strip fastened to the upper edge of the film (29) can be inserted when the lifting ruler is in its lowest position by the tube being held close to the lifting ruler along the whole of its length and there being a catch (28) in the lower frame which stops the tube from turning and a cover (17) which can be in an outer position for inserting and removing the tube and an inner position where it stops the tube from bending upwards noticeably when in its lifted position the message is stretched between the lifting ruler and the tube.
申请公布号 EP1909252(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.04.09
申请号 EP20070445036 申请日期 2007.09.28
分类号 G09F15/00 主分类号 G09F15/00
代理机构 代理人