发明名称 Bottled water cooler with hot water sterilization system
摘要 <p>The present invention is a bottled water cooler with a hot water sterilization system. A bottled water cooler with a hot water sterilizing system having a cold tank installed on the top of the cooler there is bottle receptacle in it, and the bottle receptacle groove having a piercing core connecting with water bottle, the cold tank inside, there is a baffle through hollow baffle leader under the piercing core, the end of the baffle leader connect with a hot tank installed under cold tank by cold and hot tank connecting tube, hot tank draining three-way pipe or draining pipe. For sterilizing the cool water tank a valve in the conduit between cool and hot water tanks is opened that the hot water flows into the cold water tank due to natural convection without employing any pumping means. A reflow to the inserted bottled is avoided by the provision of a check valve above the cool water tank adjacent to the bottle's neck. The check valve comprises a plate-shaped float which is movable on a rail.</p>
申请公布号 EP1891977(A2) 申请公布日期 2008.02.27
申请号 EP20070012990 申请日期 2007.07.03
分类号 A61L2/04 主分类号 A61L2/04
代理机构 代理人