发明名称 Compressed Fluid System and Related Method
摘要 A system for a firefighting vehicle including a single compressor, driven by the engine of the firefighting vehicle, which generates a compressed fluid supply for operation of both the compressed air foam system and air brakes of the firefighting vehicle. The system can include a fluid storage tank that receives compressed fluid generated by the compressor. The storage tank can be in fluid communication with a dryer and a foaming system. The dryer dries a portion of the compressed fluid and supplies the dry fluid to one or more brake system tanks, which further provide a fluid supply to one or more air brakes of the vehicle to provide a braking force to stop the vehicle. An optionally undried portion of the fluid in the fluid storage tank can be in communication with a conduit which is further in communication with a foam supply and a liquid supply which mix with the compressed fluid to create a compressed fluid foam firefighting material.
申请公布号 US2008017391(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.01.24
申请号 US20060458796 申请日期 2006.07.20
分类号 A62C27/00 主分类号 A62C27/00
代理机构 代理人