发明名称 Method and apparatus for remote communication using the interpretation of thermoluminescence or photoluminescence signals
摘要 <p>A method for remote communication using the interpretation of thermoluminescence or photoluminescence signals uses a property of photoluminescence or of thermoluminescence when it is caused by entangled trapped electrons. In this case, stimulation of deexcitation of trapped electrons by heat or radiation occurs when the deexcitation thermal energy is approximately equal to the trap-emptying energy. Stimulation by a temperature rise of a master sample induces luminescence of a remote slave entangled sample, which is reproduced on lowering the temperature of the master sample whatever the distance and the media separating the master sample and the slave sample. This teaching and its generalization to other forms of stimulation is used by the method of interpreting the quantum reception measurements so as to determine, using a correlation method, the transmission of information or commands. This method is particularly suitable for carrying out communication with submarines, communication in mine galleries, or communication with space probes.</p>
申请公布号 AU2007271363(A1) 申请公布日期 2008.01.10
申请号 AU20070271363 申请日期 2007.03.26
分类号 H04B10/90 主分类号 H04B10/90
代理机构 代理人