发明名称 Player card sorter and cancelling apparatus
摘要 <p>A used card handling device includes both a card cancelling device (4) and a card sorting unit (5), as well as an imaging device (2), a transport mechanism for transporting cards between the card imaging (2), cancelling (4), and sorting devices or units, and a controller for controlling the card imaging, cancelling, sorting, and transporting devices or units. The sorting device includes a holding device for each type of card, and output pockets (6) to which the holding devices (5) distribute the cards in a desired order.</p>
申请公布号 EP1872872(A2) 申请公布日期 2008.01.02
申请号 EP20070012815 申请日期 2007.06.29
申请人 DE 发明人 US
分类号 B07C5/342;A63F1/06 主分类号 B07C5/342
代理机构 代理人