发明名称 Exercise and transportation device
摘要 The present invention discloses an exercise and transportation device such as a bicycle that includes a frame having a drive wheel rotatably supported thereupon. The bicycle includes a first and a second foot support members, which are powered by the user. A coupler assembly directs the first end of each foot support members in an arcuate path of travel, and a vertical support coupled to the front section of the frame at one end directs the second end of each foot support member in a reciprocating path of travel. A power transfer linkage is in mechanical communication with the coupler assembly and with the drive wheel. When the device is in use, a user's foot disposed upon the foot link travels in an elliptical path of travel and provides power to the foot link. This power is transferred to the drive wheel by the power transfer linkage to propel the bicycle.
申请公布号 US2007235974(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.10.11
申请号 US20070705304 申请日期 2007.02.12
分类号 B62M1/24 主分类号 B62M1/24
代理机构 代理人