发明名称 X-ray visualizer, laser-beam operated micro-dissector, automated tissue processor
摘要 This invention employs the X-ray examination of tissue rather than gross examination from the human naked eye, which may be less exact than the more fine detailed analysis that may be gained through an X-ray system. Selection of more precise tissue sampling for microscopy without exhausting small biopsies can be made through computer operated laser-microtome. This selected tissue slicing/sampling may then be subjected through the various tissue processing methodologies commonly employed to include convention as well as microwave techniques. The processed tissue placed on a special microchip, is then appropriately transferred to a slide for Hematoxylin and Eosin (H- and E) staining, or special staining procedures, i.e. immuno-stains or special histiochemical stains. The prepared stained slide, thoroughly put through a fully automated mechanical apparatus is then covered slip, allowed to dry, and is ready for microscopic viewing by a pathologist. The pathologist receives, alone with the prepared slide, a copy of the X-ray analysis/dimension of the tissue biopsy. This process takes less than one (1) hour from start to finish, giving the pathologist a chance to render a final pathology report less than 24 hours after receipt of the biopsy specimen in the histopathology laboratory. This type of system would markedly reduced safety risks from biohazard material, and would be perceived as environmentally friendly because of it being a closed system with ventilation through exterior exhaust.
申请公布号 US2007224699(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.09.27
申请号 US20060340162 申请日期 2006.03.23
分类号 G01N1/00 主分类号 G01N1/00
代理机构 代理人