发明名称 System and Method for Making a Data Silo to Distribute Electronic Data
摘要 We have a method of making a Web Service and a website, which we call a Silo, that lets a sender upload a file (or directory) of arbitrary size, that she wants distributed electronically to one or more recipients. The uploading can be done via a standard web browser. The Silo associates a token with that file and gives that to the sender. The token is some random bit sequence. The sender can then send that token and the Silo's URL, to her recipients. Who can then use a browser to go to that Silo, present the token, and get the file. A simple usage for sender and recipient. It lets the sender compartmentalize access to various files, and avoids the limitations of using email or ftp to transfer the files. E-commerce can be enabled by having the Silo act as a recognized financial intermediary, and by the sender selling items. With a recipient paying the Silo, who acts as an escrow. The seller can also conduct public or private auctions, using the Silo to host them. We make a Reverse Anonymizer (RA), which is a computer on the Internet that lets two parties connect and interact electronically, where the initiating party does not know the network address of the other party. Optionally, the latter might not also know the address of the former. One or both of the two parties might be a computer program, or a human. The RA mediates messages between the parties. We describe how the RA differs significantly from a reverse proxy server or an Instant Messaging server. The RA can be used to enhance the privacy and security of Internet communications and data transfer.
申请公布号 US2007208823(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.09.06
申请号 US20060307721 申请日期 2006.02.17
分类号 G06F15/16 主分类号 G06F15/16
代理机构 代理人