发明名称 Brush-A-Month toothbrushes
摘要 What is different and new about this invention becomes immediately apparent upon visual inspection of each series of toothbrushes. The obvious depiction of each month on the handle of handheld toothbrushes and on the head of electric toothbrushes, makes it easy to select any portion or an entire year of brushes for the monthly regiment of keeping oral hygiene current. Further, most dentists not only recommend the monthly changes of toothbrushes, they usually hand out free samples to their patients. This invention no doubt will give dentists a better way of promoting their recommendation to change the toothbrushes every month as imprinted on the newly distributed samples. Should a person choose to replace their toothbrushes only every two or more months, it will still be very clear when they last replaced them, and therefore will need to acquire appropriate new "Brush-A-Month" toothbrushes from a nearby store.
申请公布号 US2007193081(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.08.23
申请号 US20060344484 申请日期 2006.02.01
分类号 G09F3/00 主分类号 G09F3/00
代理机构 代理人