发明名称 Weave, a utility method for designing and fabricating 3D structural shells, solids and their assemblages, without limitations on shape, scale, strength or material
摘要 Weave is a process for fabrication of freeform shells, proceeding from a formal definition of desired final shape(s), to an optimized parametric mesh of said shape(s), to physical battens which, once fastened at calculated crossings, realize the final object of use. This initially iso-parametric mesh is triangulated for self-shaping and rigidity, and optionally spiralized for economy, integrity of raw material, and surface smoothness The mesh's density and topology is controlled by Weave such that the constructed object automatically takes on, as it is fastened, the shape and dimensions of the designed fabrication without explicit registration, alignment or ambiguity. Essential is the precise adjustment of batten length between intersections to accomodate interweaving. Weave's calculations also accomodate all other necessary geometrical and material factors. Weave does not constrain shape type, complexity, scale or material. A single fabrication tool is required, and no special construction skills or building environment are needed.
申请公布号 US2007158014(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.07.12
申请号 US20060544041 申请日期 2006.10.06
分类号 D04H13/00 主分类号 D04H13/00
代理机构 代理人