发明名称 Robot system and method for sampling procedures in trucks and carts for concentrate transportation in metal smelting processes
摘要 At present, concentrate sampling in trucks and transportation carts is carried out manually and the disadvantage of this is the fact that the system is less efficient as a result of the less representativeness of the samples obtained. Due to the above, a robot system and method have been developed which are able to carry out the sampling in trucks and carts for concentrate transportation in an automated way in order to ensure the representativeness of sampling by improving the control over the product to be commercialized. The robotic system is composed mainly of a robotic manipulator of at least 5 degrees of freedom, and a gripping mechanism which allows to take the sampling device from a tool holder Located at one of its sides, moving them through a defined path to the sampling area where the sampling process over a mesh to be defined will take place in a sequential and programmed way in concentrate transportation trucks and/or carts.
申请公布号 US2007145650(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.06.28
申请号 US20060595958 申请日期 2006.11.13
分类号 C21B7/24;C21D11/00 主分类号 C21B7/24
代理机构 代理人