发明名称 Educational method for improving dietary habits
摘要 The invention provides an educational method for increasing a subject's skill in human nutrition science from a first low skill level to a second high skill level. The method comprises enrolling the subject in one education pathway with one or more skill levels therein. Each skill level has one or more educational goals associated with it, the knowledge levels increase as the subject progresses along the education pathway. Another education pathway is provided and operates simultaneously and progressively with the first education pathway. The other education pathway has associated with it at least one nutrition educating session, which is adapted to achieve at least one of the educational goals. The successful completion of the educational goal allows the subject to move to the next skill level in the first education pathway, thereby increasing the subject's knowledge and skill in human nutrition science.
申请公布号 US2007141539(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.06.21
申请号 US20060487502 申请日期 2006.07.17
分类号 G09B19/18 主分类号 G09B19/18
代理机构 代理人