发明名称 Parcel dispatch manager system and method
摘要 A system and method are set out for automating the sorting and loading of parcels into a delivery vehicle. While being conveyed from a customer, parcels to be delivered are scanned and information obtained therefrom. The information may be the parcel either or both the identification code and delivery address. The obtaining may be performed by a bar code reader, hand held or overhead, as well as a videocoding device. The parcel information is matched to a sort code, a unique code for a unique delivery address. A list of matched identification and sort codes and delivery addresses and sort codes is then saved for later search, sort, and retrieval. The parcels are then loaded in sequence into mobile racks, which when full, is loaded onto the delivery vehicle. A sequence list of the order in which the parcels were scanned is also saved for later search, sort, and retrieval. An end user enters a select list of addresses in search of possible hits from the saved lists. A hit list is generated and sorted by the order of addresses in the search list. Alternative sort options are also available.
申请公布号 US2007102329(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.05.10
申请号 US20060645388 申请日期 2006.12.26
分类号 B07C5/00;G06F7/00 主分类号 B07C5/00
代理机构 代理人