发明名称 Grayscale redistribution system to improve retinal imaging by reducing the effect of a highly reflective optic nerve
摘要 A system is provided to improve retinal camera picture quality by providing a user-variable transfer function for each pixel that results in redistributing grayscale values to solve the problem of saturation caused by highly reflective retinal objects. The result is the ability to capture both optic nerve and retina detail in a single picture. The darker retina is brightened to permit observing retinal detail using the redistributed grayscale values, while preserving optic nerve detail. Those pixels experiencing high-intensity reflections are properly exposed to prevent saturation, while outputs of low-intensity pixels associated with the darker regions are intensified, in one embodiment in accordance with an adjustable Bezier curve. The result is that one can obtain retinal details previously flooded out by the reflections from the optic nerve while at the same time offering optic nerve detail. In one embodiment the redistributed grayscale values are optimized for each color plane to provide color-corrected images matching those associated with film cameras.
申请公布号 US2007076169(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.04.05
申请号 US20050241521 申请日期 2005.09.30
分类号 A61B3/00 主分类号 A61B3/00
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