摘要 <p>An integrated teaching base station, especially at least two interactive digital display teaching base stations located at different teaching and training sites, the one within is a first personal digital display base system, the other one at a remote terminal is the second personal digital display base system. Via broadband internet connection, teaching materials can be transmitted among the interactive digital display teaching base stations and can be accessed and displayed at any time. The teaching base stations can be further combined with an audio/video surveillance module, an audio/video data integration module and a network audio/video data communication module to form the interactive digital display audio/video teaching base station that can be used to record and store teaching data at the first personal digital data base system. Multimedia mobile communication device can be used to connect the interactive digital display audio/video teaching base station so as to observe the class at the teaching and training sites in order to enhance understanding and communication. In addition, it can be used to establish a terrarium module, an aquatic module, a zoology module, etc, at the teaching and training site (S). This together with the interactive digital display audio/video teaching base station forms an interactive digital display audio/video lab environment teaching base station. A remote second personal digital data base system connects with multiple labs, operation room for clinical teaching, etc. In this way, open and detailed observations and discussions can be conducted to promote the best results in observation, research and teaching.</p>
申请公布号 SG130065(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.03.20
申请号 SG20050054770 申请日期 2005.08.31
分类号 主分类号
代理机构 代理人