发明名称 Trivia game
摘要 A method for playing a trivia game comprising the steps of compiling a general pool of trivia questions; arranging a game with a plurality of players connected over a computer network; receiving an entry fee from a plurality of players connected over a computer network; and assigning a starting point total for each player; presenting a sequence of at least 20 trivia questions. Each question is presented by: presenting the topic for the question; setting point wager limits; receiving a point wager from a plurality of players connected over a computer network; presenting multiple choice answers having at least one correct answer; adding wagered points for correct answers, and decaying points earnable for a question over time; subtracting wagered points for incorrect answers; increasing point wager limits; calculating ending point totals for each player to determine the winner; and pooling the entry fees to award a portion of the entry fees to the winner.
申请公布号 US2007057470(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.03.15
申请号 US20050224500 申请日期 2005.09.12
分类号 A63F9/18 主分类号 A63F9/18
代理机构 代理人