发明名称 Noise and splash attenuation agent and device
摘要 A noise and splash attenuation device for use in a standard toilet fixture with a liquid filled bowl, receiving falling debris along a generally vertical axis comprises a generally planar sheet having a transmission network for transmitting the debris to the liquid surface through the sheet. An incident angle is presented by the sheet in relation to the vertical axis of the falling liquid at the impact of the falling liquid on the sheet. An alternative embodiment of a foam producing agent formed as a result of a reaction between a surfactant, an alkaline metal carbonate, an organic acid and the liquid contained within the toilet fixture where the produced foam substantially covers the liquid surface. Another alternative embodiment may include placing a generally planar sheet within the toilet fixture, the foam producing agent applied to the planar sheet for reaction with the liquid surface. Another alternative embodiment may include elongated structures positioned within the toilet fixture, providing a transmission network for transmitting the falling liquid to the liquid surface through the elongated structures for attenuating the noise and splash emitted from any falling debris upon contact with the liquid surface.
申请公布号 US2007039089(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.02.22
申请号 US20060506511 申请日期 2006.08.18
分类号 E03D9/00;F15D1/00 主分类号 E03D9/00
代理机构 代理人