发明名称 Software definable transceiver apparatus and method
摘要 A software definable transceiver capable of digitally synthesizing, transmitting and receiving a modulated, composite cable television signal is provided. This embodiment of the present invention provides a software definable cable television signal synthesizer capable of digitally synthesizing cable television signals for both analog and digital modulations. The software definable system is also capable of simultaneously synthesizing a plurality of input channels of cable content, and appropriately modulating the input channels into a plurality of output cable television channels. This Abstract is provided for the sole purpose of complying with the Abstract requirement rules that allow a reader to quickly ascertain the subject matter of the disclosure contained herein. This Abstract is submitted with the explicit understanding that it will not be used to interpret or to limit the scope or the meaning of the claims.
申请公布号 US2007022444(A1) 申请公布日期 2007.01.25
申请号 US20050186703 申请日期 2005.07.20
分类号 H04N7/20;H04N7/173 主分类号 H04N7/20
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